Established in 2019 by Dr. Panayiotis C. Andreou and Dr. Neophytos Lambertides, the Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference (FMARC) is a vibrant platform for cutting-edge research in finance and accounting.
With the aim of creating a user-friendly and easily navigable website, the new online hub for the Financial Management and Accounting Research Conference (FMARC) has been operational since October 2023.
The website brings together researchers from across the globe and maintains five main categories, along with a comprehensive menu offering detailed information, including the conference program, online paper submissions, and researchers’ subscriptions. Visitors can seamlessly explore the website’s sitemap. The FMARC website also has the capability to archive past conferences, preserving all their content, including galleries, venues, events, programs and researcher profiles. Furthermore, it supports ticket sales and provides information on seating availability.
We maintain constant communication with FMARC’s board and will consistently make relevant updates to enhance content and design, ensuring the audience remains delighted and well-informed.